Eric, we know that every geometry in moving air has aerodynamic forces acting on it. They can be summed up in one total force vector, having a length and an angle. It is now just a question of definition, how we decompose this total force vector. The Lift (Cl) and Drag (Cd) concept decomposes the total force vector into one part parallel to the flow direction and one part normal to the flow direction. Useful for different cases, i.e. aviation. Now, there is no objection in decomposing the total force vector into different directions: for example into the boat’s course direction and lateral direction. Useful, as well. However, just because we decide to use another convention of representing the forces on the geometrie does not change the actual total force vector. The conclusion we can draw from both conventions are the same!
Cl is the Lift, Cd is the drag, just written down in dimensionless form to get comparable coefficients instead of specific forces.
Arne, I repeat: the aim of my 2D profile simulations is not to find the perfect AoA of a real sail to the wind. This information could simply not be drawn from my 2D simulations. I chose the LDmax point to have a variable on which to compare the different profiles. I take it on my head, that this preliminary choice of mine (to use LDmax as the comparable variable) was not the best. That’s why I suggested to open up from one variable to an interval of AoA for comparison between different profiles. It would also be possible to just compare max Cl between for different profiles, but I think it won’t be good as at max Cl the profile is already stalling.
What is sure from Marchaj’s diagrams here, is that the 5° AoA, with the lowest drag angle, is not the setting which will get a boat fastest to windward. One needs some brute force as well. Don’t forget the boat. – Arne K.
Yes, exactly! I do not argue on this one.
In the end, I want to compare profiles to each other. A hull does not have an effect on this comparison. To give a real-world example: think about Ilvy, being rigged as she is now, cambered, and next year rigged as SJR. Given the same weight of the hull (plus 2-3 kg gained body weight from Christmas), the hull can be ruled out when comparing those two rigs.
To compare the profiles, my suggestion is to compare the ClCd curve, at the interval between deflating luff and fully stalling flow (which is about 5° to 15° AoA). Anyway, I’m not emotional on this: Any suggestions or better ideas on how to compare the performance of profiles in this case are very welcome!
Telltales at the leech - useful or not. – Arne K.
Arne, I think leech telltales are very useful, indeed! They have been in use with junk rigs as well as Bermuda rigs, airfoil flow visualizations as well as kites. I’m not debating on their usefulness, when I try to investigate what exactly they are showing, and question if they show the most efficient sheeting angle. Regardless if they do or don’t point to the most efficient angle, they depict a very effective, practical and proven way of feedback from the sail – which works!
(Btw. when watching videos on Youtube, showing stall-tests of aeroplanes, the tufted wings clearly indicate that separation starts at the trailing edge...) – Arne K.
I assume you watched stall-tests of thick profiles – at least thicker than a single-ply sailcloth can ever be. That nose radius on an airfoil has a significant effect: i.e. the luff is detaching way later when the nose is not sharp but has a radius. Slieve nicely described it in his “Some thoughts” writeup, and also David must have thought about it a lot when designing his wingsail – and for a good reason. The thickness of the nose, the nose radius, does the trick! Regarding performance, a single-ply sheet, even if cambered, can not be as good as a profile with a nose radius.
Graeme, I’m sorry, I should have used the common sail-related terms: suction side is the leeward side of the sail, pressure side is the windward side of the sail.
