Do You Have an Extraordinary Boat? Fancy a Shindig in Deauville, N. France?

  • 16 May 2013 09:26
    Reply # 1294341 on 1293165
    Please note,  pre-registration is required. Entries to be in by the end of June.  This is to help with berth allocation etc.
    This is a great opportunity to expose JR to a huge audience.  10,000 visitors are expected to attend.
  • 14 May 2013 21:51
    Message # 1293165
    Deleted user
    Just received by Edward from the lady below who is publicising an event called Les Bateaux Extraordinaires in Deauville, N France. They'd really like one or more of we junkies to flap our sails for them. Sounds a lot of fun, and is also a great opportunity for a cross-Channel cruise in company, ie a rally/junket/junkette/get-2-gether...

    (Like the idea, but stuck for a crew? Use our Sailing Services facility to locate a crew or to find a boat to sail on!)

         Hélène Travert []
          14 May 2013 15:24
    Junk rigs invited to Deauville

    Madam, Sir,

    We are organizing in Deauville a boating event called « Extraordinary Boats Meeting ». We would like to gather unusual, eco-friendly and innovative boats. I wanted to know if some members of your association would be interested to come in Deauville to present their boats. We would be really proud to present a junk rig boat. Please visit our website,  download our brochure using the button at the bottom of the page, and do not hesitate to contact me if you want further information.


    Tel : +33 (0)2 50 01 15 65

    Port : +33 (0)6 58 85 67 71

    Adresse :

    JOO - 117, Cours Caffarelli – 14000 CAEN

    Last modified: 14 May 2013 22:06 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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