
  • 15 Feb 2016 05:46
    Reply # 3821813 on 644008
    Deleted user

    Gary, your comments about your cockpit are interesting. After living with the cockpit on Footprints for the last 8 years and enjoying the practicality of a minimal foot well I think that conventional cockpits are highly overrated. The cockpit on Footprints is essentially an aft deck with a very small foot well which we sometimes stand in. My favourite helming position is sitting on the 'aft deck' against the lifelines and weather cloths, and steering Footprints with the tiller extension.

    Last modified: 15 Feb 2016 05:49 | Deleted user
  • 15 Feb 2016 04:27
    Reply # 3821735 on 644008

    Yesterday I took a stack of measurements in my cockpit and discovered just how asymmetrical it is. The differences between port side and starboard side are mostly between 5 mm and 10 mm. It's no big deal but it makes life a little interesting.
    Presently the cockpit well is approx. 1720mm long and 1115mm wide (forward end)- 1165mm wide (stern end).
    After playing around with a scale rule, graph paper and a tape measure I'm thinking a cockpit well 800mm wide, 400mm deep and 1400mm long will work. This allows me to put in a 300mm wide bridge deck aft of the companion way as extra bum space or a nice flat space to sit drinks and munchies while admiring those magnificent sunsets I expect to see once I get to Moreton Bay.
    I'll raise the cockpit sole forward by 100mm. My cockpit seats will go from 360mm wide forward to 500mm wide. The aft end will go from 280mm to 450mm.
    That's it so far.

  • 15 Jan 2016 00:06
    Reply # 3759642 on 644008 This was an attempt to sail to Southport recently against the wind. Needless to say I didn't get there.
    Last modified: 15 Jan 2016 00:11 | Anonymous member
  • 22 Oct 2015 00:50
    Reply # 3594069 on 644008

    The new yard it fitted and I've used a strop style that David Webb uses. All I need now is a suitable day to test it out.

  • 14 Sep 2015 10:52
    Reply # 3525399 on 644008

    Definitely no bolts in the next one David.:)

  • 14 Sep 2015 04:54
    Reply # 3525066 on 644008
    Deleted user

    Maybe with the new yard it would be best to attach the halyard with a lashing around the yard rather than a through-bolt. I can see in the photo that the bolt actually took out quite a large percentage of the timber in the overall width of the yard. The lashing does not need to be all that heavy, on Footprints I have about 6 turns of 4mm Dyneema which seems to be plenty strong enough The lashing goes through an 8mm stainless steel shackle to which the halyard is attached and also the yard hauling parrel bitter end and block.

  • 13 Sep 2015 22:57
    Reply # 3524853 on 644008

    Sorry to hear about the broken yard Gary.  I broke an undersized yard on Arion in 2012, but have had no problem with the replacement yard which is  a 100mm x 3mm alloy tube.  I've sailed the boat very hard at times and it has shown no sign of flexing.  I also have Paul Fay style fixed luff parrels on each of my lower three battens, which takes some of the load off the throat/luff hauling parrel.  I've got a simple, 3-span, 6-part sheet but it does not seem to cause any problems, apart from a bit of twist when I ease the sail out, which I can  adjust by overhauling the lower parts of the sheet.  I'm sure my rig has more stresses in it than a flat sail but it looks quite relaxed to me and sets beautifully without creases, once I pull the THP in.  The other day, in 15 knots of wind, I dropped a couple of reefs in the sail while sailing downwind, then pulled the yard and throat parrels back in by hand without difficulty while the sail was full of wind.  I think the Paul Fay parrels tend to redistribute the loads across the sail, each batten taking its share, as in flat sails.  Your problem of course, like mine in 2012 may well be just a yard that was too weak.

  • 13 Sep 2015 22:10
    Reply # 3524842 on 644008
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    David and Annie.

    I am both surprised and not surprised to read about the high loads on the luff/throat hauling parrel, that you describe. Johanna’s sail, at 48sqm (AR=1.87), is not much smaller than that of Footprints, but the forces on the THP are quite human, with no need for winches ( I sailed her in F5 winds, with her new owner, a couple of weeks ago). On my newer Frøken Sørensen (20sqm/AR=1.95) the forces in the THP are very light as the relatively taller mast has let me attach the slingpoint about 5% aft of the yard’s midpoint, giving a bit peak halyard effect.

    I wonder if the problems you describe could be related to the special planform of the Fantail sails as these are very low and wide (AR= 1.54?). The sheet forces on such sails will work on a very long lever, and thus try to “un-peak up” the yard.


    PS: Ah, yes ,Gary, that bolt was asking for trouble. On my last two junks the halyard has been connected to the yard  via a sling (kind of rolling hitch). "Slingpoint", you know.

    PPS: Could I suggest you try this sheet setup? It gives good anti-twist. Its only drawback is that it is only 3-part, but that should be no problem on Redwing's sail. The 3-part sheeting produces much less resistance when you are hoisting the sail.

     (click on it to zoom in)

    Last modified: 13 Sep 2015 22:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 13 Sep 2015 21:57
    Reply # 3524821 on 644008

    This is a photo of the break, as you can see the timber was not the best and the bolt created a real weak point.

  • 13 Sep 2015 21:46
    Reply # 3524813 on 644008

    The break was very clean with very little splintering and it happened right on the eye bolt. The eye bolt was a weak point in itself. David feels my yard was a bit under size and I think he also commented that my sheeting arrangement put added stress on the yard. I also had the block for the tthroat hauling parrel attached to the forward end of the yard and this was haulled in quite hard. Put all that together and I feel it was an accident waiting to happen. David has also suggested a different set up for my sheet and sheetlets that will give better control of the sail and equalize the loading on the battens.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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