
  • 29 May 2016 01:25
    Reply # 4045397 on 4044805
    Deleted user
    Honsec JRA wrote:
    Bryan Tuffnell wrote:

    ..... in case we've forgotten how to sit on a boat drinking beer.

    Bryan, perhaps you could draft a set of instructions on this for our new Sailing Secretary to use in advising junket organisers??
    Shucks, your honour, I am but a novice at this. From my time in Northland, where I had ample opportunity to observe the Grand Masters of sitting on beer and drinking boats, the procedure seems to be:

    1) Sit on boat.

    2) Drink beer.

    Annie, I'm sure, will fill in anything I've missed... 

  • 29 May 2016 00:25
    Reply # 4045377 on 644008
    As Bryan has yet to attend a junket, this should be interesting!
  • 28 May 2016 12:24
    Reply # 4044805 on 4044417
    Bryan Tuffnell wrote:

    ..... in case we've forgotten how to sit on a boat drinking beer.

    Bryan, perhaps you could draft a set of instructions on this for our new Sailing Secretary to use in advising junket organisers??
    Last modified: 28 May 2016 12:25 | Anonymous
  • 28 May 2016 12:03
    Reply # 4044763 on 644008

    I shall try not to be too rigid as to visiting times.:)

  • 28 May 2016 05:52
    Reply # 4044417 on 644008
    Deleted user

    Ooh, visitors... perhaps we locals need a 'practice junket' before honoured guests arrive, in case we've forgotten how to sit on a boat drinking beer.

  • 28 May 2016 05:11
    Reply # 4044406 on 644008

    Gary, just let us know what would work for you and we'll come up with something... we can do junkets to order here. Nobody is to fussed.

  • 28 May 2016 02:35
    Reply # 4044324 on 644008

    Gary, while the Tall Ships Regatta junket has become an established favourite, we are not hidebound over here.  Paul Thompson and Bryan Tuffnell are both agitating for a junket sooner rather than later, and there is no reason at all why we can't have another later rather than sooner.  However, I am building a boat, so suggest that one of my other Kiwi junkies arranges the next one.  Or, of course, you can throw your hat into the ring, contact all the Kiwis on the Membership list and see what you can sort out between you.  Januaury seems a long time ago.

    Nice to hear that you are having a mini junket with David.

  • 27 May 2016 11:14
    Reply # 4042605 on 644008

    Just spent 3 days replacing another section of rotten side deck and all done while standing in Beetle the dinghy. However that is not why I am doing the qwerty quickstep here. David Webb arrive a couple of nights back and over a number of shots of whisky I mentioned the desire to visit NZ. I am going to the Hobart Wooden Boat Festival next Febuary which made me realise it would not cost much more to fly across the pond. David mentioned the up coming Junket next January which sadly is a bit too soon for me but I am thinking 2017 is definitely doable. Though I wouldn't rule out an earlier visit. Anyway we shall see.:) 

  • 16 Feb 2016 09:40
    Reply # 3824889 on 644008

    The designed cockpit for the Hartley Spindrift 24 was huge. Designed I feel for day sailing and maybe large cocktail parties at sunset.:)

    I extended the doghouse aft 1'9" to give me more cabin space. I reduced the cockpit down to what I thought was good size but realised very quickly that it was still too deep and too wide to brace your feet in any sort of heel. The cockpit sole hatch I put in helped but it is fiddly and only encourages me to put stuff under the cockpit.

    I'll look at reducing the width to 600mm. Though I am reluctant to modify the coamings at present.

  • 15 Feb 2016 19:56
    Reply # 3823600 on 644008
    Not only are conventional cockpits highly overrated, but they are ergonomically disastrous for hobbits, who can't brace themselves when sailing to windward, see over the coachroof, while sitting down or sit with their feet up in harbour.   Of course, conventional cockpits are designed as they are with the idea that people will be leaping about dragging ropes around winches and winding like madmen.  Not a consideration for we(e) junkies.

    David and I thrashed out a cockpit for SibLim that will suit me.  It has a small, shallow footwell.  It also has 2 levels of seating - one up high and to the side where I can sit in fine weather, using a tiller extension and enjoying the breeze and sparkling sea; the other is lower down where I can steer in less clement conditions, protected from flying spray and well braced against the cockpit side.  If you are tacking up a river, you can't always use the wind vane!

    One of the really nice features of Fantail was that the cabin back had a slope, which made a perfect backrest.  On SibLim, this bulkhead is also the after end of the saloon, so the idea is not practical.  I dare say I can use a cushion instead, but that will be something else to find a home for.  Nothing's perfect.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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