• 27 May 2022 08:12
    Reply # 12795868 on 12792926
    Deleted user
    Frederik wrote:

    I’ll go with a more sofisticated system. 

    Can anyone recommend a composting alternative?

    I built a waterless toilet, (sometimes called composting), for my recent catamaran build. After 18 months of use the toilet has proven to be very successful, maybe the best boat toilet I have ever had, and Annie Hill has a similar toilet in Fanshi which she also built. My toilet is based on the Tribolo toilet designs which are in Europe, but I built my own for less than NZ$100. I used a urine separator which came from Free Range Designs in the UK. I also have an extractor fan based on a small permanent magnet computer fan which removes all unpleasant odours.
    1 file
  • 26 May 2022 11:27
    Reply # 12794505 on 7155071

    Thanks Kris. Separett looks good. Just around the corner in Sweden. Perfect. 

  • 26 May 2022 06:54
    Reply # 12794324 on 7155071

    Yes, I can. You may buy a $2 or $3K machine, but I went other way. My expenditure was about €100 seperator+ styrofoam seat and cover. They are OK, as long as you do not accidantly sit on the cover, as I did. After 25 days of instant utilisation I may reccomend it. It works, does not smell (as others say). The urine hose I replaced with a 4 liter bottle. In the front part of the separator I put small disinfectant blocks, such as in the toilets - works perfectly and cost almost nothing. I do not have an exhaust fan, maybe I will install it one day. I sprinkle the poop with a mixture of wood chips and peat, I also throw in the used paper. Sometimes you have to mix it up with a stick. 

    5 files
  • 25 May 2022 06:17
    Reply # 12792926 on 7155071

    I’ll go with a more sofisticated system. 

    Can anyone recommend a composting alternative?

    2 files
  • 04 May 2022 17:43
    Reply # 12767189 on 7155071

    Yeah Scott. Luckily I’ve got most of the materials. Prices are going up fast. Lead going at twice the price now.

    Born on a Sunday..

  • 03 May 2022 00:01
    Reply # 12764524 on 12736991
    Frederik wrote:

    Spring is here. Deck construction screwed, glued and bevelled. Took a while..

    That is an impressive amount of fir coming together perfectly at the bow. The boat is looking really good.

    I was at the big box home improvement store the other day and I happened to check the price on marine grade fir plywood. Then I went home and made sure the leftover scraps I already own are stored flat and dry in my garage, away from the rain.

    I swear the prices, now, are something like double what they were 2 years ago. I think you bought the wood for your project at the right time.

  • 24 Apr 2022 04:43
    Reply # 12736991 on 7155071

    Spring is here. Deck construction screwed, glued and bevelled. Took a while..

    3 files
    Last modified: 24 Apr 2022 04:45 | Anonymous member
  • 09 Feb 2022 07:34
    Reply # 12585979 on 7155071

    Ja Rudolf. To cold for glue, but  Long John is helpful whilst dryfitting all the bits and pieces.

    Should be done with all that when temperatures are getting there.  

  • 08 Feb 2022 20:50
    Reply # 12585030 on 7155071

    Good work Frederik, nice to see your progress.

    Not too cold for gluing etc?

    Regards Rudolf

  • 06 Feb 2022 13:27
    Reply # 12578752 on 7155071

    Some progress on the 34

    Deck beam construction is now dry fitted in place. Waiting for higher temperatures before glueing & screwing. 

    Still lots of interior stuff to fit before putting the ply/lycell 100 (Dyvinicell equivalent) deck on. 

    5 files
    Last modified: 06 Feb 2022 13:34 | Anonymous member
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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